mCAST Adhesives for Medical Device

With experience in supplying such demanding markets around the world as computer disk drives, micro-electronics, and photonics

EMCAST Epoxies for Electronics Applications

Featuring very low levels of ionic contamination and exceeding the requirements of NASA Reference Publication 1124 on outgassing, the following materials are ideally suited to a variety of electronic applications.

OPTOCAST Photonic and Fiber Optic Assemblies

EMIUV offers the complete line of OPTOCAST adhesives. All OPTOCAST products are designed for fast, precision bonding and aligning of optoelectronic devices and components.

1900 Series Conformal Coatings

The EMCASTTM 1900 Series of UV curable epoxies represent a new generation of conformal coatings; all are 100% solids, contain no solvents and are curable with long wave ultra violet light.